Contact Info:
We are providing a discussion group where customers can post articles about problems they encounter, or tips and tricks that other users might want to know about. The discussion supports threads, so you will be able to post a reply to another user's question. We recommend prefixing the subject of your posting with a "Q:" if it's a question, or an "A:" if it's an answer to a question, or nothing at all if you're just making a comment or observation. Our support department will be tuned in to this discussion as well, and will reply to questions posted here. Otherwise you can receive customer support by sending e-mail to [CompanyEmail] for a personal reply; or placing a call to [CompanyPhone]. |
Haverford Consulting Group and HCG are trademarks of Haverford Consulting
Group, Inc. All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks
of their respective companies.